Our Services
Ingrown Toenail Surgery in Mississauga & More
Coping with an ingrown toenail or a fungal infection can be painful, so we provide ingrown toenail surgery in Mississauga. Fortunately, we excel in treating these conditions, and our foot specialist in Mississauga can assist you in getting back on your feet quickly.
Tip details
Onychocryptosis / Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails rank among the most frequent nail disorders, impacting daily activities and causing discomfort and pain that can restrict regular movement. Resulting from a toenail piercing the skin, this condition can cause infections with swelling, increased warmth, pain, redness, drainage of pus, or a watery discharge tinged with blood.
For more than 1,000 years, many different treatments have been proposed. Currently, conservative and surgical methods are available to treat the disease with expertise. Packing, taping, gutter treatment, and nail braces are options for relatively mild cases, whereas physicians exclusively do ingrown toenail surgery. Phenolisation of the nail matrix is now the safest, simplest, and most commonly performed method with the lowest recurrence rate. Whether you require pain relief or ingrown toenail surgery in Mississauga, contact us today to find out how we can help. Call 905-916-3668 or email info@foundationchiropody.com.
Improper cutting of toenails.
Tight footwear.
Tight socks.
Abnormal shape of the nail.
Toenail deformities.
Trauma to the nail or toe.
Infection that can spread to the foot, leg, or bloodstream
Loss of the nail plate due to infection
Chronic ingrown nails can cause deformity to the nail plate and surrounding tissue.
Severe complications in people with diabetes, who should consult with our specialists immediately
Ingrown toenails can often be treated with a simple procedure that removes the piece of nail. If chronic problems persist, removing part or the entire nail is an option through ingrown toenail surgery at our Mississauga clinic.
Onychomycosis / Fungal Nail
This prevalent condition is an infection affecting the bed and plate beneath the surface of your nail. Fungi, known as dermatophytes, attack the nail and thrive off keratin, your nail’s protein substance. Your nail will likely become thicker and take on a yellowish-brown colour. An associated foul odour and debris may be collected under your nail plate.
Wash feet with soap and water and dry thoroughly.
Wear shower shoes in public areas when possible.
Change shoes, socks, or hosiery daily.
Use a foot powder with talcum (not cornstarch) or an anti-fungal agent.
Wear properly fitting shoes.
Discard old shoes.
Alternate your footwear if possible.
Do not apply nail polish to nails suspected of being infected.
Foundation Chiropody can diagnose your condition promptly and provide a treatment plan that may include the following:
Topical medications
Oral anti-fungal medications approved by Health Canada. These offer shorter treatment times but may have unwanted side effects.
Ingrown toenail surgical treatment to remove infected portions and to allow direct application of a topical antifungal.
Permanent removal of painful nails
For more information on our range of foot and nail services, including ingrown toenail surgery available in Mississauga, contact our clinic today!
Preventing Ingrown Toenails: Tips for Healthy Feet
Preventing ingrown toenails is essential for maintaining overall foot health and avoiding the discomfort and complications associated with this common condition. Here are some practical tips to help keep your feet healthy and reduce the risk of ingrown toenails:
Proper nail trimming technique: Trim your toenails straight across rather than rounding the corners. Avoid cutting them too short, as this can encourage the nail to grow into the surrounding skin. Use clean, sharp nail clippers and avoid tearing or ripping the nails.
Wear comfortable footwear: Choose shoes that provide adequate room for your toes to move freely without rubbing against the sides or front of the shoe. Avoid tight-fitting footwear that puts pressure on the toes and increases the risk of ingrown toenails. Opt for shoes with a wide toe box and ample cushioning to reduce friction and irritation.
Maintain good foot hygiene: Keep your feet clean and dry to prevent moisture buildup, which can contribute to fungal infections and softening of the skin around the nails. Wash your feet daily with soap and water, and thoroughly dry them, especially between the toes. Use footpowder to absorb excess moisture and keep your feet dry throughout the day.
Protect your feet in public spaces: Wear protective footwear, such as shower shoes or sandals, in communal areas like gym showers, swimming pools, and locker rooms to reduce the risk of fungal infections and bacterial growth. Avoid walking barefoot in public spaces where the risk of injury or infection is higher.
Avoid trauma to the toenails: Be mindful of activities that may cause trauma to the toenails, such as kicking objects or wearing tight-fitting shoes that pinch the toes. Protect your feet during sports or physical activities by wearing appropriate footwear and using padding or toe protectors if necessary.
Seek prompt treatment for nail abnormalities: If you notice any changes in the appearance or texture of your toenails, such as thickening, discoloration, or ingrowth, seek prompt evaluation and treatment from a qualified foot specialist. Early intervention can prevent ingrown toenails from worsening and reduce the risk of complications.
Regular foot exams: Perform regular self-examinations of your feet to check for signs of ingrown toenails, fungal infections, or other foot problems. Inspect the nails, skin, and surrounding tissues for any abnormalities or discomfort. If you have difficulty examining your feet, ask a family member or use a mirror to assist you.
By incorporating these preventive measures into your daily routine, you can help maintain healthy feet and reduce the likelihood of developing ingrown toenails. If you have concerns about your foot health or experience persistent symptoms, consult our foot specialist for personalized advice and treatment in Mississauga.
Home Remedies for Ingrown Toenails: Natural Relief Options
While ingrown toenails may require professional treatment in severe cases, mild to moderate symptoms can often be managed at home with simple remedies. Here are some natural relief options to help alleviate discomfort and promote healing:
Warm water soaks: Soaking your feet in warm water can help soften the skin around the ingrown toenail and reduce inflammation. Add Epsom salt or a few drops of tea tree oil to the water for added soothing and antiseptic properties. Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes several times a day to relieve pain and discomfort.
Gentle nail trimming: If the edge of the toenail is visible and accessible, carefully trim the corner of the nail straight across to release the pressure on the surrounding skin. Use clean, sterilized nail clippers or scissors to avoid introducing bacteria and causing further irritation. Avoid cutting the nail too short or digging into the skin, as this can worsen the ingrown toenail.
Cotton wedge application: Gently lift the edge of the ingrown toenail and insert a small piece of cotton or dental floss under the nail to help encourage it to grow above the skin. This technique can relieve pressure on the affected area and promote proper nail growth. Change the cotton or floss daily to maintain cleanliness and prevent infection.
Topical antiseptics: Apply an over-the-counter antiseptic solution, such as hydrogen peroxide or tea tree oil, to the affected area to help prevent infection and reduce inflammation. Use a cotton ball or swab to apply the antiseptic gently, avoiding contact with the surrounding skin.
Protective bandaging: After applying topical antiseptics or cotton wedges, protect the ingrown toenail with a sterile adhesive bandage or gauze pad to keep it clean and prevent further irritation. Change the bandage regularly and avoid wearing tight-fitting shoes or socks that may compress the toe and exacerbate the condition.
Foot elevation: Elevating your feet above heart level can help reduce swelling and improve circulation to the affected area. Lie down and prop your feet up on pillows or cushions for 15-20 minutes several times a day to promote healing and alleviate discomfort.
Footwear modification: Avoid wearing tight-fitting shoes or high heels that can put pressure on the toes and exacerbate ingrown toenails. Opt for comfortable, supportive footwear with ample room for your toes to move freely. Consider wearing open-toed shoes or sandals until the ingrown toenail resolves to reduce friction and irritation.
While these home remedies can provide temporary relief for mild ingrown toenails, it's essential to seek professional evaluation and treatment if symptoms persist or worsen. A qualified foot specialist at Foundation Chiropody can assess the severity of the ingrown toenail and recommend appropriate interventions to promote healing and prevent recurrence. Contact us to book an appointment today.
Recognizing and Addressing Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails can be painful and bothersome. Recognizing the signs of an ingrown toenail is crucial for timely intervention and relief. One standard indicator is persistent pain and tenderness along the side of the affected toenail. Redness and swelling around the nail, often accompanied by warmth, are typical signs.
In more advanced cases, ingrown toenails may lead to pus or drainage, indicating an infection. Additionally, individuals may experience difficulty wearing shoes comfortably due to increased pressure on the ingrown area.
Residents in the Mississauga area can turn to Foundation Chiropody for expert care and treatment of ingrown toenails. The skilled professionals at Foundation Chiropody, located in Mississauga, specialize in addressing various foot conditions, including ingrown toenails. Prompt attention to these symptoms can prevent complications and promote overall foot health. If you're in the Mississauga area and dealing with ingrown toenails, trust Foundation Chiropody for personalized and effective care.